Try out the Victory themes and make your own. Check out the VictoryTheme API documentation more details on themes.
const result = [...Array(10).keys()] const scatterData = [...Array(20).keys()].forEach((i) => ({ x: (i - 10) / 3, y: i / 2 - 2 * Math.random() - 4, })); const toInteger = (number) => parseInt(number).toString(); const DemoComponent = () => { const [theme, setTheme] = React.useState(grayScaletheme); const positions = [ { transform: "translate(0, -15)" }, { transform: "translate(180, -40)" }, { transform: "translate(-10, 140)" }, { transform: "translate(180, 140)" }, ]; return ( <div> <div className="mb-12"> <button className="bg-gray-600 border border-gray-800 text-white uppercase py-6 px-12" onClick={() => setTheme(grayScaletheme)}> use grayscale </button> <button className="bg-blue-600 border border-blue-800 text-white uppercase py-6 px-12 ml-2" onClick={() => setTheme(materialtheme)}> use material </button> </div> <svg viewBox="0 0 400 400" role="img" aria-labelledby="title desc" style={{ height: "auto", width: "100%", }} > <g transform={positions[0].transform}> <VictoryPie theme={theme} standalone={false} style={{ labels: { padding: 10 } }} height={200} width={200} /> </g> <g transform={positions[1].transform}> <VictoryChart theme={theme} standalone={false} height={250} width={250}> <VictoryAxis tickCount={3} tickFormat={toInteger} /> <VictoryAxis tickCount={4} dependentAxis /> <VictoryScatter size={2} data={scatterData} /> </VictoryChart> </g> <g transform={positions[2].transform}> <VictoryChart theme={theme} standalone={false} height={250} width={250}> <VictoryAxis tickCount={4} domain={[0, 3]} tickFormat={toInteger} /> <VictoryAxis tickCount={4} dependentAxis domain={[0, 10]} /> <VictoryLine y={(data) => data.x * data.x} /> </VictoryChart> </g> <g transform={positions[3].transform}> <VictoryChart standalone={false} theme={theme} height={250} width={250} domainPadding={{ x: 40 }} > <VictoryAxis tickFormat={["A", "B", "C"]} /> <VictoryAxis tickCount={3} dependentAxis /> <VictoryStack> <VictoryBar data={[ { x: "A", y: 1, }, { x: "B", y: 3, }, { x: "C", y: 3, }, ]} /> <VictoryBar data={[ { x: "A", y: 2, }, { x: "B", y: 1, }, { x: "C", y: 3, }, ]} /> <VictoryBar data={[ { x: "A", y: 3, }, { x: "B", y: 1, }, { x: "C", y: 1, }, ]} /> </VictoryStack> </VictoryChart> </g> </svg> </div> ); }; const grayScaletheme = (function(){ const colors = [ "#252525", "#525252", "#737373", "#969696", "#bdbdbd", "#d9d9d9", "#f0f0f0" ]; const charcoal = "#252525"; const grey = "#969696"; // Typography const sansSerif = "'Gill Sans', 'Seravek', 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif"; const letterSpacing = "normal"; const fontSize = 14; // Layout const baseProps = { width: 450, height: 300, padding: 50, colorScale: colors }; // Labels const baseLabelStyles = { fontFamily: sansSerif, fontSize, letterSpacing, padding: 10, fill: charcoal, stroke: "transparent" }; const centeredLabelStyles = Object.assign({ textAnchor: "middle" }, baseLabelStyles); // Strokes const strokeLinecap = "round"; const strokeLinejoin = "round"; // Put it all together... return { area: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: charcoal }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), axis: Object.assign( { style: { axis: { fill: "transparent", stroke: charcoal, strokeWidth: 1, strokeLinecap, strokeLinejoin }, axisLabel: Object.assign({}, centeredLabelStyles, { padding: 25 }), grid: { fill: "none", stroke: "none", pointerEvents: "painted" }, ticks: { fill: "transparent", size: 1, stroke: "transparent" }, tickLabels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), bar: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: charcoal, padding: 8, strokeWidth: 0 }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), boxplot: Object.assign( { style: { max: { padding: 8, stroke: charcoal, strokeWidth: 1 }, maxLabels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 3 }), median: { padding: 8, stroke: charcoal, strokeWidth: 1 }, medianLabels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 3 }), min: { padding: 8, stroke: charcoal, strokeWidth: 1 }, minLabels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 3 }), q1: { padding: 8, fill: grey }, q1Labels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 3 }), q3: { padding: 8, fill: grey }, q3Labels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 3 }) }, boxWidth: 20 }, baseProps ), candlestick: Object.assign( { style: { data: { stroke: charcoal, strokeWidth: 1 }, labels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 5 }) }, candleColors: { positive: "#ffffff", negative: charcoal } }, baseProps ), chart: baseProps, errorbar: Object.assign( { borderWidth: 8, style: { data: { fill: "transparent", stroke: charcoal, strokeWidth: 2 }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), group: Object.assign( { colorScale: colors }, baseProps ), histogram: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: grey, stroke: charcoal, strokeWidth: 2 }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), legend: { colorScale: colors, gutter: 10, orientation: "vertical", titleOrientation: "top", style: { data: { type: "circle" }, labels: baseLabelStyles, title: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 5 }) } }, line: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: "transparent", stroke: charcoal, strokeWidth: 2 }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), pie: { style: { data: { padding: 10, stroke: "transparent", strokeWidth: 1 }, labels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 20 }) }, colorScale: colors, width: 400, height: 400, padding: 50 }, scatter: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: charcoal, stroke: "transparent", strokeWidth: 0 }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), stack: Object.assign( { colorScale: colors }, baseProps ), tooltip: { style: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 0, pointerEvents: "none" }), flyoutStyle: { stroke: charcoal, strokeWidth: 1, fill: "#f0f0f0", pointerEvents: "none" }, flyoutPadding: 5, cornerRadius: 5, pointerLength: 10 }, voronoi: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: "transparent", stroke: "transparent", strokeWidth: 0 }, labels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 5, pointerEvents: "none" }), flyout: { stroke: charcoal, strokeWidth: 1, fill: "#f0f0f0", pointerEvents: "none" } } }, baseProps ) }; })(); const materialtheme = (function(){ const yellow200 = "#FFF59D"; const deepOrange600 = "#F4511E"; const lime300 = "#DCE775"; const lightGreen500 = "#8BC34A"; const teal700 = "#00796B"; const cyan900 = "#006064"; const colors = [ deepOrange600, yellow200, lime300, lightGreen500, teal700, cyan900 ]; const blueGrey50 = "#ECEFF1"; const blueGrey300 = "#90A4AE"; const blueGrey700 = "#455A64"; const grey900 = "#212121"; // Typography const sansSerif = "'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', sans-serif"; const letterSpacing = "normal"; const fontSize = 12; // Layout const padding = 8; const baseProps = { width: 350, height: 350, padding: 50 }; // * Labels const baseLabelStyles = { fontFamily: sansSerif, fontSize, letterSpacing, padding, fill: blueGrey700, stroke: "transparent", strokeWidth: 0 }; const centeredLabelStyles = Object.assign({ textAnchor: "middle" }, baseLabelStyles); // Strokes const strokeDasharray = "10, 5"; const strokeLinecap = "round"; const strokeLinejoin = "round"; // Put it all together... return { area: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: grey900 }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), axis: Object.assign( { style: { axis: { fill: "transparent", stroke: blueGrey300, strokeWidth: 2, strokeLinecap, strokeLinejoin }, axisLabel: Object.assign({}, centeredLabelStyles, { padding, stroke: "transparent" }), grid: { fill: "none", stroke: blueGrey50, strokeDasharray, strokeLinecap, strokeLinejoin, pointerEvents: "painted" }, ticks: { fill: "transparent", size: 5, stroke: blueGrey300, strokeWidth: 1, strokeLinecap, strokeLinejoin }, tickLabels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { fill: blueGrey700 }) } }, baseProps ), polarDependentAxis: Object.assign({ style: { ticks: { fill: "transparent", size: 1, stroke: "transparent" } } }), bar: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: blueGrey700, padding, strokeWidth: 0 }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), boxplot: Object.assign( { style: { max: { padding, stroke: blueGrey700, strokeWidth: 1 }, maxLabels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 3 }), median: { padding, stroke: blueGrey700, strokeWidth: 1 }, medianLabels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 3 }), min: { padding, stroke: blueGrey700, strokeWidth: 1 }, minLabels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 3 }), q1: { padding, fill: blueGrey700 }, q1Labels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 3 }), q3: { padding, fill: blueGrey700 }, q3Labels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 3 }) }, boxWidth: 20 }, baseProps ), candlestick: Object.assign( { style: { data: { stroke: blueGrey700 }, labels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 5 }) }, candleColors: { positive: "#ffffff", negative: blueGrey700 } }, baseProps ), chart: baseProps, errorbar: Object.assign( { borderWidth: 8, style: { data: { fill: "transparent", opacity: 1, stroke: blueGrey700, strokeWidth: 2 }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), group: Object.assign( { colorScale: colors }, baseProps ), histogram: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: blueGrey700, stroke: grey900, strokeWidth: 2 }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), legend: { colorScale: colors, gutter: 10, orientation: "vertical", titleOrientation: "top", style: { data: { type: "circle" }, labels: baseLabelStyles, title: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 5 }) } }, line: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: "transparent", opacity: 1, stroke: blueGrey700, strokeWidth: 2 }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), pie: Object.assign( { colorScale: colors, style: { data: { padding, stroke: blueGrey50, strokeWidth: 1 }, labels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 20 }) } }, baseProps ), scatter: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: blueGrey700, opacity: 1, stroke: "transparent", strokeWidth: 0 }, labels: baseLabelStyles } }, baseProps ), stack: Object.assign( { colorScale: colors }, baseProps ), tooltip: { style: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 0, pointerEvents: "none" }), flyoutStyle: { stroke: grey900, strokeWidth: 1, fill: "#f0f0f0", pointerEvents: "none" }, flyoutPadding: 5, cornerRadius: 5, pointerLength: 10 }, voronoi: Object.assign( { style: { data: { fill: "transparent", stroke: "transparent", strokeWidth: 0 }, labels: Object.assign({}, baseLabelStyles, { padding: 5, pointerEvents: "none" }), flyout: { stroke: grey900, strokeWidth: 1, fill: "#f0f0f0", pointerEvents: "none" } } }, baseProps ) }; })(); render(<DemoComponent />);