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Stacked Bars with Central Axis
const dataA = [ { x: "Personal Drones", y: 57 }, { x: "Smart Thermostat", y: 40 }, { x: "Television", y: 38 }, { x: "Smartwatch", y: 37 }, { x: "Fitness Monitor", y: 25 }, { x: "Tablet", y: 19 }, { x: "Camera", y: 15 }, { x: "Laptop", y: 13 }, { x: "Phone", y: 12 } ]; const dataB = => { const y = Math.round(point.y + 3 * (Math.random() - 0.5)); return { ...point, y }; }); const width = 400; const height = 400; function App() { return ( <VictoryChart horizontal height={height} width={width} padding={40} > <VictoryStack style={{ data: { width: 25 }, labels: { fontSize: 15 } }} > <VictoryBar style={{ data: { fill: "tomato" } }} data={dataA} y={(data) => (-Math.abs(data.y))} labels={({ datum }) => (`${Math.abs(datum.y)}%`)} /> <VictoryBar style={{ data: { fill: "orange" } }} data={dataB} labels={({ datum }) => (`${Math.abs(datum.y)}%`)} /> </VictoryStack> <VictoryAxis style={{ axis: { stroke: "transparent" }, ticks: { stroke: "transparent" }, tickLabels: { fontSize: 15, fill: "black" } }} /* Use a custom tickLabelComponent with an absolutely positioned x value to position your tick labels in the center of the chart. The correct y values are still provided by VictoryAxis for each tick */ tickLabelComponent={ <VictoryLabel x={width / 2} textAnchor="middle" /> } tickValues={ => point.x).reverse()} /> </VictoryChart> ); } render(<App/>);