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Area Hover Styles
function CustomArea(props) { if (! { return <Area {...props} />; } else { const { data, activeX, scale, style } = props; const index = data.findIndex(val => val._x.getTime() === activeX.getTime()); const previousPoint = index === 0 ? activeX : data[index - 1]._x; const nextPoint = index === data.length - 1 ? activeX : data[index + 1]._x; // create a copy of the x dimension scale, and set the range to [0, 100] to easily calculate a percentage for the gradient offsets const percentScale = scale.x.copy().range([0, 100]); // calculate the percentages for current, previous, and next points const currentPercent = percentScale(activeX); const previousPercent = percentScale(previousPoint); const nextPercent = percentScale(nextPoint); const minPercent = currentPercent - (currentPercent - previousPercent) / 2; const maxPercent = currentPercent + (nextPercent - currentPercent) / 2; const gradientId = Math.random(); const isBrowser = typeof window !== "undefined" && window.__STATIC_GENERATOR !== true; const loc = isBrowser ? window.location.href : ""; const newStyle = Object.assign({}, style, { fill: `url(${loc}#${gradientId})`, stroke: "none" }); return ( <g> <defs> <linearGradient id={gradientId}> <stop offset="0%" stopColor={style.fill} /> <stop offset={`${minPercent}%`} stopColor={style.fill} /> <stop offset={`${minPercent}%`} stopColor={"tomato"} /> <stop offset={`${maxPercent}%`} stopColor={"tomato"} /> <stop offset={`${maxPercent}%`} stopColor={style.fill} /> <stop offset="100%" stopColor={style.fill} /> </linearGradient> </defs> <Area {...props} style={newStyle} /> </g> ); } } function App() { const [state, setState] = React.useState({ activeX: null }); function onActivated(points, props) { setState({ activeX: points[0]._x }); } return ( <VictoryChart scale={{ x: "time" }} containerComponent={ <VictoryVoronoiContainer onActivated={onActivated} /> } > <VictoryStack colorScale="blue"> <VictoryArea data={[ { x: new Date(1986, 1, 1), y: 2 }, { x: new Date(1996, 1, 1), y: 3 }, { x: new Date(2006, 1, 1), y: 5 }, { x: new Date(2016, 1, 1), y: 4 } ]} dataComponent={<CustomArea activeX={state.activeX} />} /> <VictoryArea data={[ { x: new Date(1986, 1, 1), y: 4 }, { x: new Date(1996, 1, 1), y: 3 }, { x: new Date(2006, 1, 1), y: 2 }, { x: new Date(2016, 1, 1), y: 5 } ]} dataComponent={<CustomArea activeX={state.activeX} />} /> <VictoryArea data={[ { x: new Date(1986, 1, 1), y: 3 }, { x: new Date(1996, 1, 1), y: 1 }, { x: new Date(2006, 1, 1), y: 4 }, { x: new Date(2016, 1, 1), y: 2 } ]} dataComponent={<CustomArea activeX={state.activeX} />} /> </VictoryStack> </VictoryChart> ); } render(<App/>);